Thursday, 20 August 2015

Stitches Coven summer Exhibition 2015: A Stitch in Time

This year's exhibition at Swansea Grand opened on a Tuesday 4th August. The launch was very well attended and we received a lot of encouraging feedback.

The Alzheimer's Society were presented with this year's group installation which consisted of a number of small collections of artwork intended to evoke memories and facilitate conversation for patients and their families whilst waiting to be seen at their outpatients appointments. From local landmarks such as Mumbles pier to occupational snapshots, a range of different images were created to provide talking points for people to share memories of their  past lives and work.  It is hoped these will serve as a useful prompts for conversation and help pass the time in an interesting and meaningful way.

Members have worked hard to produce a great collection of work this year, and the group seems to be going from strength to strength. All the pieces were very personal -  some joyfully nostalgic while others shared more poignant moments such as the quilt by Alyson Thomas made from her father's shirts as a tribute to the life of this man who is sadly no longer with us. 

I'll be posting  pictures of all the work over the next few weeks so watch this space....

The exhibition continues until Fri 21 August so there is still (just) time to view until then. Thanks to those of you who have come to view and taken time to leave a comment in our visitors book. We hope you will join us for next year's exhibition which will again be at the Grand, but this time will also as part of the Swansea Festival of Stitch.